Top Ten Tuesday is a Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week's topic: Ten Authors I REALLY Want To Meet
1. JK Rowling wouldn't it be so fun to sit down and chat with JK Rowling? To chat over everything Harry Potter, her life etc. We'd have to be in England and I envision us chatting over tea about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
2. Maggie Stiefvater she has such a wonderful online presence on Twitter. I think I am probably much to shy to really go up and meet her, if she was ever in my home town, but she seems like such a cool person. I think I would just love to sit back and watch her draw or work on her mural. Seriously have you seen her Sharpie Guitar for The Raven Boys?
3. Shelby Bach she lives over in Portland Oregon, so not a stretch that I could meet her someday. She always seems so kind and sweet online. Very giving to her fans. I'd love to chat about fairytales with her. She is very knowledgeable and we could have some great conversations about The Ever After series.
4. Jacqueline West she's the author of one of my favorite series, The Books of Elsewhere. She just had a beautiful baby boy not to long ago and I'd love to bring him a gift, and a bone for Brom Bones. She lives in Red Wing, Minnesota but I know she likes to visit New Orleans, so maybe meet up there. Have some Beignets, take a tour of the city, maybe have a Poor Boy for lunch. Hey if I'm going to think about meeting my favorite authors, might as well go BIG!
5. Tara Dairman again someone who it wouldn't be a stretch to see someday. Tara is another author who is so nice online, she wrote All Four Stars and Stars of Summer. She's traveled to like 74 countries, so I bet she has some stories to tell and being a foodie I know we would be eating something good while talking.
6. Holly Black and Tony Diterlizzi Okay this is cheating a little bit, cause I listed two, but these are for my kiddo and me. They co-wrote The Spiderwick Chronicles, my child's first series that was read independently. This is "that" book, the one that went everywhere, became dog eared, was loved. The one that we got out of a Cheerios's box while we were an expat in Egypt and I had to scrounge through every box and hope to find the next one in the series. This was the beginning of my reader, so I just want to thank them.
7. Bruce Cambell author of If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor. Okay, cheating again cause I heard him read from his book once at a book signing, and I got a picture with him. He was hilarious, if you've ever seen the Evil Dead movies he was Ash. I imagine a fun conversation.
8. Shannon Messenger lives in So Cal, she's another author who's Twitter feed is always fun to follow. I'd love to watch her draw, sit and chat about Keeper of the Lost Cities while hanging out in Disneyland.
9. Stephen King I would love to meet him and chat about writing, his books, life, but I know I would be way to nervous. I've seen him read from his book and really enjoyed it, he's a great storyteller.
10. Rick Riordan author of Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and his upcoming Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard. Ahh, I want to talk about Asgard. Yes please.
We have a few of these in common, Maggie Stiefvater, JK Rowling and Rick Riordan were also on my list.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/12/top-ten-tuesday-4/
Maggie Stiefvater is amazing! I loved Lament and Ballard. Stephan King's Pet Sematary is a must read - I had many sleepless nights after reading it :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
We have Rowling and Riordan in common. Stephen King didn't make my list this time, because I felt like he's been on many of my recent lists. :) I would love to spend some time with Stephen King!
Is it weird that I've never read a Stephen King book but would still love to meet him? He just seems like a fascinating guy and he's got an incredible track record. I should really pick up one of his books. I didn't add Rick Riordan to my list, either, but it would be cool to meet him, too. I bet he's like a walking encyclopedia of Greek/Roman mythology. (And how awesome is that?) Great list!
ReplyDeleteStephen King just seems like a wealth of information, I'd love to pick his brain on writing. Thanks for stopping by.
DeleteShelby Bach! She'd be near the top of my list too. Black and DiTerlizzi could be interesting; some more of my top choices would be Brandon Sanderson, Brandon Mull, and Eoin Colfer (which would technically be a second encounter *shrug*) Gah, someday I need to get to a big book conference...
ReplyDeleteYes Brandon Mull, my kiddo would love to meet him. I'd love to go to a book conference too or just wish we had book signing in town.
DeleteI would love to meet JK Rowling. Except, I would probably be too tongue-tied to say anything. :) I would also love to meet Neil Gaiman! Both of your #6 authors would be awesome to meet too. I really love to meet authors and I find book events so exciting when I get a couple minutes to have them sign my book and chat for a minute.
ReplyDeleteI see Amanda mentioned Brandon Mull. I met him a few years ago at a Barnes and Noble and he was so nice (my co-author went to school with him for a couple years). :)
Pretty soon you'll be doing book signings right? :) I think it would be fun to go to a book reading/signing. Just to hear talk about inspiration and ask some questions.