Charlie Bowater Illustrator
Format: Ebook
Publisher: Woodgate Publishing
Number of Pages: 418
Published: January 14th, 2019
Source: Review copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.Find it: Amazon
First off I want to say how much I love the cover by Charlie Bowater, it's so gorgeous and I so wish there were interior illustrations too. Good Night is the third book in the Sand Maiden series. I'd recommend starting with Rock-A-Bye Baby, the prequel to Lullaby (book#2) to get a better feel for Ali, her relationship with her father and siblings and to better understand the magical systems and worlds of Dream and Wake. In Lullaby we learned about Ali's escape from Dream to Wake, her encounters with Kovis and his family, how Ali has hidden magical skills, very different from the ones that she had on Dream. With the story ending in an epic magic competition called The Ninety Eight, where Ali was pitted against some of the top sorcerers of Wake.
The story alternates between Ali, Kovis, Kennan and even Ambien's perspective. I really enjoyed this approach feeling it gave more insight into each of the characters. I especially felt like I got a better look at what type of person Ambien is, his desire to control Wake, and why he is so eager to have control over his daughters. Ambien is very evil, the type of person who will stop at nothing to get vengeance, even tormenting his daughters until he gets what he wants. The kind of character that made me cringe. Good Night also really gets at the complexities of Ali's and Kovis feelings for one another, how Kovis is trying to open himself up and forget events in his past or to break down walls that he has. Just as it looks like he is moving forward, his brother Kennan makes a confession that reveals a hidden truth uprooting their happiness. I felt so sorry for poor Kennan, he seems so desperately in love with Ali. I was so saddened with the way he was being controlled and possessed, forced to do Ambien's bidding. I worry what the future holds for Kennan and whether he will truly have his own happiness.
Ahh, but Ali and Korvis, and the deep bond and connections they share, how they have this lovely playful way of talking to one another, with undertones of intimate sexual desire even in the tensest of situations. And yes being a new adult book, there are some steamy moments, so be forewarned. I loved how they can join minds, communicate telepathically and how Ali can see herself from inside Kovis's mind while also being inside her own body. Sounds disorienting, but because of their deep trust for one another seems to work well. I'm so happy with the way in which the story resolved, and that there will be possibilities at second chances between these two. Lastly, I loved getting to know more about Ali's family, especially her aunts, who were hysterical, caring, and had a few tricks of there own, and who hopefully will still be an integral part of the next book. I know I've said this before about Lee's writing, but I've so enjoyed following along with her writing career and seeing how she develops her characters, the worlds of Wake and Dream and the twists and turns she throws at ya. As always I will be eagerly awaiting to read more of Kovis and Ali's story.
Favorite Line " You know not what would ensue if you changed time itself for one, no matter their deeds."