Monday, September 16, 2024

It's Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with a review of Elephant Touch by Susan R. Greenway


Elephant Touch by Susan R. Greenway
Publisher:  SparkPress
Format:   Paperback ARC
Number of pages:  160
Source:  Publisher
Publishing:  September 17th, 2024

Opening Line:  "I can't believe I'm in Thailand.  That's about as far away from Colorado as a person can get." 

12-year-old Quinn, her Aunt Lizzie, and eighteen other volunteers are headed to an elephant sanctuary.  Six months ago, Quinn's mom passed away unexpectedly. Since then, she's been inconsolable and anxious.  In an effort to help, her aunt signed them up to volunteer at the Thai sanctuary, with the hope that caring for the elephants might heal some of Quinn's pain and sorrow over losing her mother.   Quinn is a little apprehensive about the whole idea, but there is no backing out now.

Life at the sanctuary is both rewarding and lots of hard work.  Volunteers are given a schedule of various tasks including cleaning out the elephant pens and preparing their meals.  Quinn tries to adapt to caring for the elephants but still has days where she feels like she's drowning in sorrow.  After learning that some of the baby elephants get separated from their mother's, Quinn becomes even more overwhelmed and rushes down toward a stream where she has a special encounter with Sumana, an adult elephant. The two immediately form a connection that sparks a significant change in Quinn.  A glimmer of hope.   Yet, when a delicate, newly orphaned baby elephant arrives at the sanctuary, seemingly grieving its mother's loss, Quinn is overwhelmed by her emotions once more. To aid in the survival of the young elephant, Quinn must gather her bravery, her bond with the elephants, and enlist the assistance of the new acquaintances she has made in order to save the baby elephant.

Elephant Touch was such a lovely touching story that just tugs at your heartstrings.  Have tissues handy while reading, I know I needed them.  Quinn's grief, loss and sorrow was so palpable and resonated on every page.  You could feel her pain and understand her emotions.  While she had these fleeting moments of joy, they were also followed by feelings of guilt or the belief that what she was feeling was wrong.  That she shouldn't feel happiness.  I so wanted to give her a hug in those moments.  The elephants were portrayed so beautifully, majestic and well slightly scary, but I loved how the author showed that they also have a sensitive and compassionate side.  While Quinn's grief is a huge part of the story, it's also one of hope.  Hope that there are places that are taking care of these elephants.  And hope that the pain will subside through coming to terms with her loss. Through Quinn's experiences at the sanctuary, she opened up to new possibilities, and interests.  She learned that she was not the only person who is grieving her mother's loss and that she has a support system that will be there for her.  A wonderful debut that I highly recommend.  

** A huge thank you to SparkPress for the paperback ARC in exchange for an honest review**  

 I hope you'll check out all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge's blog HERE   

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Isle of Ever by Jen Calonita Cover Reveal

Today I'm thrilled to reveal the cover of the first book in a brand-new mystery-adventure series from New York Times bestselling author Jen Calonita, Coming 3/25/2025 from @sourcebookskids! @SBKSLibrary 

Title: Isle of Ever
Author: Jen Calonita 
Publication Date: March 25th, 2025
Genres: MG, Mystery-Adventure
Author Links:  Website / Goodreads / Facebook / X
ADD it to Goodreads

From the author of the Fairy Tale Reform School series, Disney's Twisted Tales series, Disney's Frozen Polar Nights and Fairy Godmother the Enchanters Tale, Jen Calonita delivers the first in a brand-new series featuring a girl who will inherit a mysterious fortune if she can break a centuries-old curse!  Days after her twelfth birthday, Everly "Benny" Benedict learns she's the heir to a fortune!   But to collect the inheritance, she first has to play-and-win-a game.  Following clues that her ancestor left, Benny must locate a small island.  If she's successful, she'll break a two-hundred-year-old curse.  If she fails, the fortune will be forfeited.  And if she's careful, she'll cross paths with someone else who is after the island's secrets and who will stop at nothing to get them.  Because, as it turns out, there's far more than fortune at stake.

Praise for Isle of Ever

Tuck Everlasting meets Pirates of the Caribbean.

Chris Grabenstein calls it a "gripping game 
and grand adventure.  A treasure hunt filled with riddles, clues, an ancient curse, and a main character you'll be cheering for all the way to the final page, I loved it!"

  Melissa de la Cruz say's "ISLE OF EVER will keep you guessing till the last page, then begging for a sequel're bound to find readers up well 
past their bedtime."

James Ponti says that "Calonita leaves us
breathless as Benny races to save the day and her family.  Young readers will love it!"

If you love adventurous stories with treasure hunts and riddles, ISLE OF EVER is perfect for you!

Visit my linktree to preorder and learn more about the book.  

                                      And now the cover...

Jen Calonita is the author of the Secrets of My Hollywood Life series and other books like Sleepaway Girls and I'm with the Band. Fairy Tale Reform School and Royal Academy Rebels are her first two middle-grade series. She rules Long Island, New York, with her husband, Mike; princes, Tyler and Dylan; and their two Chihuahuas, Captain Jack Sparrow and Ben Kenobi. The only castle she'd ever want to live in is Cinderella's at Walt Disney World. She'd love for you to visit her at and on Twitter @jencalonita.

Credit:  Kimberly L Photography

Monday, September 9, 2024

It's MMGM with a review of Quantum Interstellar Sports League #1 by J. Scott Savage, Illustrated by Brandon Dorman

Quantum Interstellar Sports League by J. Scott Savage, illustrated by Brandon Dorman
  Penguin Workshop
Format:  E-ARC 
Number of pages:   272 pages
Publishing:   September 24th, 2024
Source:  NetGalley 

Opening Lines:  "Today is the biggest football game in pretty much the entire history of human-and alien civilization."

Quarterback Wyatt and Team Planet Earth Defenders are about to face off with the "angry" Droglidonans.  It all began because humans went to a distant planet and brought back artifacts which didn't belong to them.  The aliens got mad and threatened to retaliate by destroying Earth.  Eventually the two sides agreed to settle things through a sports challenge, specifically a football game (who knew aliens love sports too?). Human's thought that Wyatt's father, a world-famous sport's athlete, was going to compete and lead the team.  However, Schnozly Grofsplot, an alien overlord tricked Earth, forcing them to compete with nine human players under the age of 14 and five aliens.  To top it off, if the human team loses, they forfeit the planet.  So, a committee was formed to select athletes from around the world, they ended up picking kids renowned for their skills in soccer, ballet, rugby and baseball.  Surprisingly, they also chose Wyatt, the one kid who hates sports and is notoriously the absolute worst at them.   They're doomed unless this group of teenagers can pull off a miraculous play and win.

J. Scott Savage has authored twenty-three novels, including The Lost Wonderland Diaries, The Mysteries of Cove series and Graysen Foxx.  I'm really partial to his The Lost Wonderland Diaries, being a fan of Alice in Wonderland, but was especially excited to hear about this upcoming illustrated book.  It's been described as a cross between Last Kid's on Earth and Space Jam, and is co-created and illustrated by Brandon Dorman, the illustrator of Fablehaven.  

Quantum Interstellar Sports League is an excellent read, featuring beautiful illustrations that bring the action in the story to life.  Wyatt is an endearing protagonist, funny and uncertain of his talents and why he was even chosen for the team. He does try and warn everyone that he isn't cut out for sports, but in the end tries really hard to lead the team.  His lack of skill in football and disdain for the sport make for some really comical situations and his narration is humorous and reflects that of a thirteen-year-old boy, filled with moments that will surely elicit laughter.  

There's high tech gear like super jumping cleats and talking helmets, aliens dripping goo amidst the backdrop of an intense football game to save planet Earth.  Yep, feeling those Space Jam vibes.  The diverse group of characters, each with their own unique abilities, also contributed to some creative and intriguing football plays.  I particularly liked how the players had to adapt their skills to outwit and outmaneuver their extraterrestrial rivals.

Wyatt's parents are wonderfully supportive, with his dad providing his playbook to aid Wyatt during the game.  Although, the team still had to make some adjustments and tweaks so that their moves weren't predictable.  Overall, this is a very creative, humorous story, with wonderful illustrations that complement the narrative and highlight all the football action.  The story also embraces the positive messages of perseverance and trust in your teammates.

Favorite lines:   "...we're a chain man.  We win together and we lose together.  But if one of the links goes, it breaks the whole chain."      

** A huge thank you to the J. Scott Savage and his publicist for the E-ARC via NetGalley**  

 I hope you'll check out all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge's blog HERE   

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Greta by J.S. Lemon

Greta by J.S. Lemon
Publisher:  Farrar, Straus and Giroux Books for Younger Readers
Format:  Hardcover ARC
Number of pages:   208 pages
Publishing:   September 10th, 2024
Source:  Banholzer PR

Opening Line:  "When I sit on the vine that grows outside my best friend Lotti's window, I have a perfect view."

Greta Goodwin lives with her mom, dad and younger brother, Fej.  Her family is currently getting ready to move to a new neighborhood and Greta's mom is adamant that she finish packing up her bedroom.  
Lotti, Greta's best friend, has come over to help, but the girls find themselves distracted by thoughts of beginning seventh grade, choosing outfits for the first day, navigating puberty, and contemplating their first boyfriends—subjects that Lotti and Greta feel unprepared to tackle.

The beginning of the school year brings many changes, including a few classmates who have noticeably matured over the summer, capturing the attention of both the girls and boys in class.  Due to a few snickers and snide comments, Greta decides to keep a low profile and not draw attention to herself.  However, after getting a new haircut, Derek comes up to her and offers a compliment on her new look.  He proceeds to ask whether she's coming to a party and says he'll see her there.  During the party, Derek approaches her again.  At first, she's flattered by his attention, but quickly it starts to feel uncomfortable due to his aggressive advances, and his refusal to accept her "no" as an answer.  Greta then tracks down Lotti and the two call her parents to come and pick them up early from the party.  
Afterwards, Greta begins to feel like everyone is aware of the incident, that she's somehow different and changed, she's even unable to confide in anyone what transpired, including her best friend.   Greta is plagued by nightmares of hands reaching for her, followed by her body undergoing mysterious transformations.  

I'm going to make every attempt not to leave any spoilers in my review, but it will be challenging. Greta tackles the sensitive subject of sexual assault very delicately.  It conveys Greta's immediate responses and the subsequent challenges she faces upon returning to school and seeing Derek again.  Derek's behavior is depicted as reprehensible, yet it was troubling to me that he didn't face any consequences for his actions.  

The story features short chapters of roughly four to six pages.  The early descriptions of Lotti and Greta's friendship really conveys the deep connection or bond that the two girls share.  They are best friends who share everything with one another, from the excitement to the nervousness about the first day of middle school.  Even their fears, anxieties, and apprehensions about how things will change.  It's therefore surprising that Greta didn't feel comfortable in sharing what happened to her with Derek to Lotti, given how close they are.   And yet, people often respond to a trauma in different ways too.

My biggest challenge with the story is the conclusion, which left me with mixed feelings.  I appreciated how Greta's transformation symbolized her seeing herself as beautiful and how she felt empowered.  Greta reclaiming her body as something that shouldn't be objectified was also a very powerful statement.  I guess my difficulty lied in her eventual disappearance following her transformation, being concerned with how that messaging could be perceived.  I had wished that she could have conveyed the sexual assault to Lotti, her parents even a trusted adult.  

The speed at which Greta processed the trauma also felt too quick to me.  There's a myriad of emotions that I'd expected Greta to navigate her way through, including guilt, sadness, and anger.  Some were briefly touched on, like her blow up at school resulting in her suspension, it still appeared that her fantastical transformation overshadowed the ending.  The story is intended to be hopeful, but the resolution still involved her disappearing from the people in her life who were closest to her.  Although, she visited each of them briefly, and they seemed to recognize her presence in her current form, I still felt a sense of sadness in those last few pages.  Greta might have felt liberated and free, but I couldn't help feeling sad.

While I enjoyed the messaging the book was trying to convey and the magical realism mixed with fantasy, I think this might be confusing to some and will be best read by a more mature reader who can appreciate the symbolism of Greta's metamorphosis.  At the back of the book, Dr. Alycia Davis, a clinical psychologist provides valuable information on sexual assault, the accompany emotions and ways to get help. 

  **A huge thank you to Banholzer PR and Farrar, Straus and Giroux Books for Younger Readers for the hardcover copy in exchange for an honest review. **     

Monday, September 2, 2024

It's Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with a review of Matt Sprouts and the Day Nora Ate the Sun by Matt Eicheldinger

Matt Sprouts and the Day Nora Ate the Sun by Matt Eicheldinger  
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Format:   E-ARC
Number of pages:  336
Source:  Publisher 
Publishing: September 3rd, 2024

Opening Line: "Mom always says everyone could learn a thing or two if they would just think of each other's backpacks more often."

It's the end of sixth grade and Matt's excited for summer break.  That is until his dad announces his big plans for Matt to do some hard, honest work that will help him "build character."  He's even chosen the perfect job for him, mowing lawns at his office from 5 am until 10 am.  Realizing he's cornered, Matt has no other option but to agree.  However, on his first day at the job site, he accidentally damages an expensive piece of machinery and injures Jason, one of his dad's best employees.  Surprisingly, Jason assumes responsibility for the mishap, leaving Matt anxious about what he might owe him in return.  Although Matt did try to take responsibility for his actions.

Matt then finds a new job helping out his neighbor, Farmer Jed, by taking care of his goat, Nora.  Matt's duties will include ensuring Nora has sufficient food and water.  Farmer Jed also expects Matt to talk to Nora daily, stating she's a good listener and quite special.  Initially, Matt thinks that managing one goat is a pretty simple task; however, he quickly learns it's quite challenging. Nora, appears to have her own agenda, frequently escaping her pen and causing various problems. With a little help from his girlfriend Grace, his younger brother Elliot and best friend Eric, hopefully they can manage to get Nora under control.

This is the second book in the Matt Sprouts series, and I had no difficulty reading it out of order.  Matt's portrayal of Nora is quite amusing, from her protruding eyes to the way one of her horn's points in the wrong direction.  Even how she shows up behind him lurking with a creepy and somewhat scheming/conniving presence, is quite funny.  Nora definitely possesses a will of her own and seems to want Matt to discover exactly what it is she wants.   The mystery of how she escapes her pen each day is intriguing, as is all the traps that Matt and his friends set up in hopes of catching the person who might be setting her free.  At least that's what they think is happening, but no one can explain how Nora gets up on the roof.  

I really liked the addition of B.J., a boy Matt meets while searching in the forest for Nora.  B.J. has exceptional survival skills, especially in identifying which mushrooms are edible.  He's a somewhat shy kid who seems eager to make a new friend.  However, Matt remains skeptical about trusting him, which explains the traps.  Matt's summer gets further busy when his soccer team begins condition training and Grace enlists his help for her Science Fair project.  All while Nora keeps putting on these disappearing acts. 

This is quite the comical read.  I can see kids who have ever worked around or are interested in farm animals relating to how challenging they can be to care for.  Kids can also relate to that feeling of how even the best laid plans can change, how it's important to adapt.  Overall, I loved the theme of understanding what people carry in their backpack and that everyone has something we don't know about that they're carrying.  It's also a great reminder about the hazards of making assumptions, and how they can lead to making huge mistakes.     *A huge thank you to Andrew's McMeel Publishing for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.*

**I hope you'll check out all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge's blog HERE   **