Monday, September 9, 2024

It's MMGM with a review of Quantum Interstellar Sports League #1 by J. Scott Savage, Illustrated by Brandon Dorman

Quantum Interstellar Sports League by J. Scott Savage, illustrated by Brandon Dorman
  Penguin Workshop
Format:  E-ARC 
Number of pages:   272 pages
Publishing:   September 24th, 2024
Source:  NetGalley 

Opening Lines:  "Today is the biggest football game in pretty much the entire history of human-and alien civilization."

Quarterback Wyatt and Team Planet Earth Defenders are about to face off with the "angry" Droglidonans.  It all began because humans went to a distant planet and brought back artifacts which didn't belong to them.  The aliens got mad and threatened to retaliate by destroying Earth.  Eventually the two sides agreed to settle things through a sports challenge, specifically a football game (who knew aliens love sports too?). Human's thought that Wyatt's father, a world-famous sport's athlete, was going to compete and lead the team.  However, Schnozly Grofsplot, an alien overlord tricked Earth, forcing them to compete with nine human players under the age of 14 and five aliens.  To top it off, if the human team loses, they forfeit the planet.  So, a committee was formed to select athletes from around the world, they ended up picking kids renowned for their skills in soccer, ballet, rugby and baseball.  Surprisingly, they also chose Wyatt, the one kid who hates sports and is notoriously the absolute worst at them.   They're doomed unless this group of teenagers can pull off a miraculous play and win.

J. Scott Savage has authored twenty-three novels, including The Lost Wonderland Diaries, The Mysteries of Cove series and Graysen Foxx.  I'm really partial to his The Lost Wonderland Diaries, being a fan of Alice in Wonderland, but was especially excited to hear about this upcoming illustrated book.  It's been described as a cross between Last Kid's on Earth and Space Jam, and is co-created and illustrated by Brandon Dorman, the illustrator of Fablehaven.  

Quantum Interstellar Sports League is an excellent read, featuring beautiful illustrations that bring the action in the story to life.  Wyatt is an endearing protagonist, funny and uncertain of his talents and why he was even chosen for the team. He does try and warn everyone that he isn't cut out for sports, but in the end tries really hard to lead the team.  His lack of skill in football and disdain for the sport make for some really comical situations and his narration is humorous and reflects that of a thirteen-year-old boy, filled with moments that will surely elicit laughter.  

There's high tech gear like super jumping cleats and talking helmets, aliens dripping goo amidst the backdrop of an intense football game to save planet Earth.  Yep, feeling those Space Jam vibes.  The diverse group of characters, each with their own unique abilities, also contributed to some creative and intriguing football plays.  I particularly liked how the players had to adapt their skills to outwit and outmaneuver their extraterrestrial rivals.

Wyatt's parents are wonderfully supportive, with his dad providing his playbook to aid Wyatt during the game.  Although, the team still had to make some adjustments and tweaks so that their moves weren't predictable.  Overall, this is a very creative, humorous story, with wonderful illustrations that complement the narrative and highlight all the football action.  The story also embraces the positive messages of perseverance and trust in your teammates.

Favorite lines:   "...we're a chain man.  We win together and we lose together.  But if one of the links goes, it breaks the whole chain."      

** A huge thank you to the J. Scott Savage and his publicist for the E-ARC via NetGalley**  

 I hope you'll check out all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge's blog HERE   


  1. What a fun concept! The book would make a great gift for a young reader who loves sports. Thanks for featuring your review on MMGM.

  2. My friend recently asked if I knew about any interstellar stories for her grandson. Glad I read your review as this sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. This sounds like a fun premise for a MG book. I'm sure it will find a good audience. Thanks for the review.

  4. This sounds like a lot of fun! I love that ballet gets mentioned alongside the sports. :D I'll have to look for this one.

  5. Sounds like a unique and fun book. Great review!
