Monday, January 13, 2025

The Last Great Heir: Feast and Famine by Carina Finn

The Last Great Heir: Feast and Famine by Carina Finn
Publisher:  Sourcebooks for Young Readers
Format:  E-ARC via NetGalley
Number of pages:   278 pages
Publishing:   January 28th, 2025 
Source:  Publisher in exchange for an honest review

Opening Line: "Rue pressed her back flat against the brick wall of the alley, her breath caught in her lungs."

The land of Fauret was once united until a rift was caused by a demon leading the land to divide into two distinct houses: the Feast and Famine's.  The demon was contained within the spiral tower of Helix and s
ince then, the custom in Fauret has dictated that the heirs of Feast and Famine engage in a duel.  The victor will retain rule over the land of Fauret and ensure that the demons are unable to break loose from the tower and inhabit  Fauret.

Merriment "Merri" Feast has always known a life of parties and fine pastries, gold bracelets with a sword charm and elaborate skirts of emerald.  Rue Famine, on the other hand wears an all-black dress and stockings, and a silver bracelet with a tiny skull.  She's never indulged in the frivolity of pastries or parties.  Instead, her house creates the potions and elixirs that help the people of Famine.   

Yet, on the girls thirteenth birthday, which is quickly approaching, they are set to participate in a duel.  Rue would like nothing more than to be a great heir, but her mother hasn't been proactive with her training, so how is she to be successful?  Merri is being trained by her Aunt Ambrosia, and the Feasts haven't lost a duel in three generations, placing considerable pressure on her to ensure that the trend continues.  While she is naturally gifted with charms, Merri begins to experiment in Famine magic and one of her potions accidentally causes her twin sister, Abundance "Bun" to fall into a deep slumber.     

Rue and Merri have always been curious about one another, wanting to learn more about the person who they've been brought up to view as their rival.  Each feeling weighed down by the responsibility and what the consequences of them possibly losing the duel will mean to themselves and their house.  As they get closer and closer to their birthday, they begin to realize that they don't feel prepared to do battle and suspicions begin to form that their families have been holding a valuable piece of information from them.  

The Last Great Heir is the debut novel from Carina Finn, a food writer, critic and content creator.  Finn began writing The Last Great Heir while she was working in NYC as a restaurant critic, stating "
living a life of “unfathomable abundance.” She says, “In many ways, it was a dream. But sometimes my dream life felt physically awful, and it was impossible not to think of all the people who went without basic necessities while I spent my days writing about the previous night’s twelve course dinner.  The world of Feast and Famine was born out of this dichotomy."  She can be found at @sheneedsasnack (InstagramTikTok).

The Last Great Heir is a light middle grade fantasy that focuses on classism, familial ties, the expectations that are placed on us or that we place upon ourselves, and the aspirations of being a kind and just heir who "understands the world beyond the confines of one's inheritance."  Rue and Merri have two very different lived experiences yet have more in common than they even know.  Feasts have a lavish life and vigorish magical training while Famine study history, alchemy and develop elixirs to stave off hunger.  Both families have been keeping secrets from the girls, and I enjoyed watching how their shared hidden past lead them closer and closer toward one another and a final understanding of how and why the duel began in the first place.  Through the alternating narratives of Merri and Rue the author fills in some of the key details and helps the reader to understand these girls better.  What motivates them and who is most important to them.  Fauret is an interesting world of demons, ancient magic, talking cats, an adorable puppy and two houses that have long been divided over social class.  The story includes LGBTQIA+ representation with Rue having two mothers and two gay uncles and that final twist will have the reader eager for the next book in the series.  

 I hope you'll check out all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge's blog HERE   

**A huge thank you to Sourcebooks for Young Readers for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review**  


  1. It's fascinating to learn how the author's work inspired this fantasy, which sounds unique. And as an author, I really appreciate how you share the first lines. It helps me learn as a writer.

    1. Thanks Natalie, first lines are one of my favorite things to read.

  2. That is a great first line. There is a lot going on in this book. Fantasy lovers should love this one.

  3. There are a lot of new fantasy books hitting the shelves and this new story is definitely one I'd like to read. Thanks for convincing me through your review and for being a part of MMGM this week.

  4. So interesting how the author looked at her own life experiences for the inspiration behind this book. I didn't know about this debut MG author, so I will definitely be checking her out!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. Great play on words with Feast and Famine as characters. I bet lots of kids will like this book. Carol Baldwin

  6. This does sound very interesting! I'm also very curious about the cat on the cover. Is it important in the story?

    1. Curtis the cat is from the apothecary store and it, and a demon name Jahi are featured in the story.

  7. Talking cats are always a great addition to any fantasy! (Real life too of course!). Really interesting to hear the author's inspiration - and I can see why she felt that way! Thanks so much for sharing!
