Monday, July 22, 2024

It's Marvelous Middle Grade Monday with a review of Meesh the Bad Demon: The Secret of the Fang #2 by Michelle Lam

Meesh the Bad Demon:  The Secret of the Fang #2 by Michelle Lam

Publisher:  Alfred A Knopf Books for Young Readers
Format:   E-ARC
Number of pages:  304
Source:  Banholzer PR
Publishing: July 23rd, 2024

Opening Line:  "Wow, can you believe we've been here for six months already?"

The Secret of the Fang is the second book in the Meesh the Bad Demon series. In the first book, Meesh turned out not to be your ordinary demon, she didn't behave or act in the ways a demon should.  Well at least in ways that bad demons do.  In the latest book, Meesh is learning how to be a Guardian from her grandmother.  While also honing her skills.  Meanwhile, her new friend Chai and her werewolf pack were forced out of their temporary home in the forest of Ponderosa by a bulldozer.  Unable to return to their home as it was demolished, they're once again displaced.   Meesh, Nouna, the Fairy Princess and Xavier, a demon offer to help Chai and her family.  Hoping to discover the perpetrator behind all of destruction in the forest, Meesh and Nouna disguise themselves and infiltrate the camp of the masked villain in an attempt to discover her plans.

I thoroughly enjoyed this graphic novel's blend of fairies, demons, and fairy-demon hybrids.  The artwork is really well done and conveys a lot of emotion.  There are strong messages on the harm and injustices of discrimination.  Past injustices were revealed, and amends were finally able to be made.  Each realm (Plumeria City, Magma City and Ponderosa) finally found a benefit of working together.  

Meesh is such a sweet character, her empathy for her realm having been a part of the wrongs done and her desire to make things better were truly commendable.  Additionally, I loved that she extended kindness, even to those who caused harm.  The story illustrates that we all can make mistakes, and through forgiveness and collaboration great things can happen.  Included at the back of the book is a section on the making of the graphic novel, including pictures of brainstorming ideas, outlines, and a few of the authors rough sketches.  I would recommend beginning with the first book to have a better understanding of the characters and overall plot. 

**A huge thank you to Banholzer PR for the E-ARC in exchange for an honest review**

 **I hope you'll check out all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge's blog HERE   **              


  1. I hadn't heard of this graphic series so thanks for the introduction. Sounds perfect for the upcoming Halloween season.

  2. I've debated buying the first one several times, but fantasy graphic novels don't go out quite as well as the whiny realistic memoir type in my library. This also reminded me a bit of Basye's Heck: Where the Bad Kids Go in some weird way. I'll have to think about this series again.

  3. I've been wanting to try a graphic novel. This sounds like a series I'd enjoy. I reserved the first book at my library. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. This sounds like a fascinating read -- especially with the demon theme. And the fact they are working to right the wrongs of the past -- impacting their world. Great review!

  5. Not my cup of tea, but since I have fantasy lovers in the family, it's good to know about. Thanks for the review.

  6. This looks cute! I had not heard of this series before. I will definitely check them out. Thanks for sharing your review. :)

  7. This sounds like a great read- I love graphic novels and fantasy. Excellent review! Thanks!
