Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I AM NOT WHO YOU SEE: An illustrated novel by Krishnni Khanna

I Am Not Who You See by Krishnni Khanna
Publisher:  Independently Published
Format:   Softcover Paperback 
Number of pages:  148
Source:  Author via Amazon
Published: June 12th, 2024

From Goodreads:  " Veda, a spirited nine-year-old from India, goes through a jarring shift when her parents decide to emigrate to America and build a new life there. Despite her woes about leaving India, she hopes for adventure in a new country.

Veda’s hopes are crushed, however, as her first year in an American elementary school brings prejudice and alienation from her new classmates. The second school year turns into a devastating nightmare of public shame and humiliation. Adolescent Veda must navigate the adversities of being an immigrant as she struggles to find acceptance among her peers.

Will she fit in by concealing who she is or choose to remain true to herself?"

Opening Line:  "Three months ago my parents broke the news to me — news that would completely change the course of our lives. " 

 I Am Not Who You See consists of Veda's daily journalling of her experiences after immigrating to the United States, drawing from the author's own memories.  Included are small illustrations, or black and white sketches depicting Veda's mood and feelings.  Some with dark lines and shading representing her anger and sadness, and others with smiles and stars indicative of her happiness.  The story spans from elementary school through sixth grade.  Khanna, who also moved to the United States at the age of ten, shares in her author's note that she wrote this book when she was sixteen years old.   It's a powerful story about the importance of surrounding ourselves around people who are supportive and uplifting, rather than people who want to tear us down.  It also emphasizes that happiness and acceptance need to come from within. Knowing oneself and that we hold value to others.  I'm happy that Veda found kindness in Rowan, the boy she meets in Texas, where she was finally able to be her authentic self, share common interests and she finally felt appreciated. 

**A huge thank you Author Marketing Experts and Krishnni Khanna for the paperback book which I will be donating to my local little free library**

About the author:
Krishnni Khanna was born in India in 2007 and moved to the United States with her parents in 2017. Krishnni is a high schooler, author and TEDx speaker who advocates for the inner well-being of youth. In 2022 she created Detoximind, a student-led movement through which Krishnni and her team bring peer-based support to teens and youth grappling with stress, shame, exclusion and isolation. She currently resides in Austin, Texas with her parents and their puppy Yuki.

Visit Krishnni at her website and on Instagram

You can also learn more about her by watching her Ted Talk entitled "How Does A Lie Become True?" 


1 comment:

  1. Immigrant stories are so important for young readers, especially right now. This sounds like a good one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
