Monday, November 21, 2022

MMGM with a review of Enola Holmes: The Graphic Novels, Volume 2 by Serena Blasco, translated by Tanya Gold

Enola Holmes:  The Graphic Novels by Serena Blasco, translated by Tanya Gold
Format:  Print-ARC
Publisher:  Andrew McMeel Publishing
Number of pages:  208
Publishing:  December 6th, 2022
Source:  Publisher in exchange for an honest

This is the second book in the Enola Holmes graphic novel series and includes three mysteries:  The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan, The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline, and The Case of Baker Street Station.  I am only slightly familiar with Nancy Springer's work, having only read her first novel, The Case of the Missing Marquess and also having watched both of the Netflix film adaptations, but only recently learned of these graphic novel adaptations.  I'd consider myself a fan of Enola Holmes and really enjoyed this graphic novel.  She's so resourceful, intelligent, and creative when it comes to her disguises.  I also really like her independent streak and not wanting to conform to being a "sensible lady," despite her brother's strong attempts. 

In The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan, Enola encounters a familiar young lady, Cecily who appears to be held against her will by two older women.  Upon seeing Enola, they hastily guide her away, but not before Cecily cleverly drops her pink fan.  Concerned for Cecily's safety, Enola attempts to follow, but loses them.  Not long after the encounter, Enola learns that the women plan to force Cecily into a marriage with her cousin and an all-out hunt for Cecily ensues.

In the second story, The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline, Enola's landlady, Mrs. Tupper is kidnapped after having received a cryptic message from some mysterious person named Scutari.  The note requested that she give her message to "The Bird." Through flashbacks, we learn that Mrs. Tupper's husband died during the Crimean War and that following his death, she attempted to return to England and was only successful after receiving help from the lady of the lamp.  A large portion of this mystery is trying to locate the abductors carriage, searching Mrs. Tupper's room for clues and following down leads.  Enola also dons a wig to meet the infamous Florence Nightengale while trying to avoid her brother's, who this time are trying to force her to go to a boarding school.

In The Case of Baker Street Station, Lady Blanchefleur has been abducted and her husband, Duque Luis Orlando del Campo has enlisted both Dr. Ragostin (Enola) and Sherlock Holmes to help find her.   Exploring the underground railway and city streets, Enola bumps into a few leads to her mother's whereabouts and also Lady Blanchefleur's.  At the same time, Enola meets up with her brothers, Sherlock and Mycroft and together they solve the disappearance of their mother, Eudoria Holmes.      

One of the highlights of reading this graphic novel are the watercolor illustrations, the vibrant colors and I especially love the way Enola's feminine beauty, independence and her lovely disguises are depicted.  Each mystery is followed by Enola's secret notebook where she shares her case notes, illustrations of the clues she used to solve the case, her disguises and historical details about the people and places she encounters.  For example, in the first notebook entry there is information on the secret language of fans which also played a part in the second Netflix movie.  There's information on how to read morse code and how morse code can be adapted by using other symbols, like using flowers for the dashes and dots to write secret messages.  There's even a section on palmistry and how to write a message with invisible ink.  In addition to gorgeous artwork and exciting sleuthing, I can see this book appealing to kids who enjoy mysteries, books with secret cyphers and codes, or for readers who are fans of the original book series, or the Netflix movies. 

I hope you'll check all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge’s blog HERE.   

**A huge thank you to Andrew McMeel Publishing for the print ARC**    


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Review of Last of the Talons by Sophie KIm

Last of the Talons by Sophie Kim
Format:  Hardcover
Publisher:  Entangled Teen
Number of pages:  416
Published:  September 27th, 2022
Source:   Giveaway via Young Adult Book Central and book from publisher

Opening Line:  "The Temple of Ruin has been abandoned for centuries, but it's an unspoken rule that nobody enters the looming pagoda."

Last of the Talons comes from a new to me imprint, Entangled Teen.  In her author's note at the beginning of the book, Sophie Kim explains her desire to write a story that highlights her Korean culture and the need to add to the number of Korean mythology retellings that have been absent for so long.  She hoped the book would break some of the stereotypical characters and roles that Korean's have previously been portrayed as and allow for readers who haven't seen Korean representation in books to see Korean gods and goddesses within the pages.  The story is a retelling of the Pied Piper and is derived from the Tale of Manpasikjeok (also known as A Black Jade Belt and the Flute to Calm Ten Thousand Waves).  Kim states that she took many creative spins to the text adding Dokkaebi (Korean goblins), Imugi (giant serpents), Gwisin (spirits or ghosts) and the underworld realm of Jeoseung.

Shin Lina is The Reaper of Sunpo, and a member of the Talons, one of the revered gangs of Sunpo.  The Talons are Lina's found family, her friends who've protected each other.  Then a rival gang came, led by Konrarnd Kalmin, and the Blackbloods slaughtered everyone but Lina and Enubi, Lina's younger sister.  Since then, Lina has been forced to be the Blackbloods assassin and thief.  

As the story begins, Shin Lina is on a midnight heist at The Temple of Ruin, where she's hoping to steal a tapestry from the legendary Pied Piper.  At first everything seems to have gone well, she retrieved the tapestry and Kalmin seems to be satisfied, but The Pied Piper isn't going to let his prize possession go that easily.  Following an encounter on the roof with Lina, The Pied Piper kidnaps Kalmin and Lina is blamed by Kalmin's right hand, Asina.  Asina gives Lina an ultimatum, return Kalmin within thirty days or she'll kill Enubi.  When Lina doesn't respond to the Pied Pipers cat and mouse game as he expected, he then teleports her to Gyeulcheon (a realm of his making) and makes a bargain of his own, she must kill him within fourteen days, or he'll kill her.  To seal the deal, he gives her an hourglass necklace.  Lina is once again forced into playing someone else's game to win her and Kalmin's freedom and return to Sunpo in time to save her sister.  

I quite enjoyed this Korean inspired mythology.  I kind of see it as a cross between Twilight, Six of Crows and maybe even a smidge of Nevernight, mostly because it also contains a female assassin.   The Dokkaebi were new to me, and I found them, and the world Kim created very fascinating.  This is the kind of fantasy that is easy for me to get lost in, snarky comments, assassins and this sort of love/hate vibe going on between Lina and the Pied Piper (the emperor, Haneul Rui) and the angsty chemistry between the two is on fire.  I'm not sure how much I bought into the enemies to lovers' idea, but overall, I really enjoyed the story.  Lina certainly earns her name as the Reaper too.  She's skilled with a blade, agile, trusting and willing to do anything to save her sister, despite making several major mistakes.  At the same time, Lina is haunted by the deaths of her friends, the former Talons, each night she is tormented by nightmares and regrets over their death.  There's a considerable amount of survivor's guilt and she constantly beats herself up, feeling that she could have done more to save them.  I liked how the story incorporated Lina's past with a sort of dream like quality, highlighting several moments she shared with her former gang.  Overall, just a really fun immersive read with characters and a world that while being dangerous is also exciting to read about.  I'm very curious about what will happen next in the series and will defiantly be seeking out Wrath of the Talon when it releases in 2023.  As a final note, I really appreciated the page at the back of the book warning about certain elements of the story that may not be suitable for all readers.   

**A huge thank you to YABC for the giveaway and Entangled Teen for the hardcover**                        

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Review of House of Yesterday by Deeba Zargarpur

House of Yesterday by Deeba Zargarpur
Format:  E-ARC
Publisher:  Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Number of pages:  320
Publishing:  November 29th, 2022
Source:   Jackie Karneth at Books Forward via NetGalley

Opening Line:  "There's a lot to a memory."

Sara is a teenager of Uzbek Afghan heritage.  Ever since her parents announced they're getting divorced she's been struggling with trying to adjust to the changes and dealing with her own feelings of guilt for the role she might've played in their divorce.  Normally Sara would get advice from her grandmother, Bibi Jan, but she's been deteriorating ever since she was diagnosed with Dementia.  To offset her sadness, Sara has been helping her mother with her house-flipping business, taking care of the social media aspects of the business, while her mom does the logistics and manages the labor.  While at one of her mom's latest home renovation projects, Sara uncovers that the house they're rebuilding holds many secrets, one that might even be linked with her own families past.  Sara also comes face to face with the ghost of her grandmother and begins to realize that the answers to the secrets she hopes to retrieve may be trapped somewhere in Bibi Jan's memories.  To better understand herself and her family's history, Sara has to bring these secrets into the light.

I don't usually read much YA, but I was instantly captured by the premise of House of Yesterday, an intergenerational ghost story and knew it would be an incredible read.  What struck me first about the book was the emphasis on memories.  Both happy and the one's that we try to forget because of how unpleasant they are, even the ones that escape us because of dementia.  Sara is haunted by her desire to unravel these memories and to find the truth behind the secrets that she feels her family is hiding.  Sara initially pushes away everyone who tries to help, her cousin's and Sam a boy she knew growing up.  I was quite concerned for her often feeling her pain in trying to piece together the past.   It's also the story of a girl trying to better understand herself, her Afghan Uzbek heritage and how she fits into the United States.  It's confronting those things that we bury that are hard, and that burying hard feelings doesn't make them go away.  Sometimes we need to face them to go on.  It's an emotionally impactful story, a coming of age and dealing with the ghosts of one's past.  While the story is haunted by grief and secrets, it does have an uplifting and satisfying ending.  I'm especially excited to hear that Deeba Zargarpur is working on a middle grade book titled, Farrah Noorzad and the Ring of Fate which has Farrah discovering her distant father is a jinn king after she traps him in a magical ring.  The story will release sometime in 2024 from a brand-new imprint dedicated to showcasing epic journeys (fantastical and emotional), Labyrinth Road. 

**A huge thank you to Jackie Karneth at Books Forward for the E-ARC via NetGalley **

Monday, November 14, 2022

Marvelous Middle Grade Monday and The Bridge of Little Jeremy by Indrajit Garai

The Bridge of Little Jeremy
by Indrajit Garai
Format:  E-ARC
Publisher:  Indrajit Garai
Number of pages:  370
Published:  March 17th, 2019
Source:  Author in exchange for an honest review

"The noise in the attic wakes me again." 

12-year-old Jeremy and his single mother live in a small flat in Ile Saint-Louis, an island in the Seine River in Paris, France.  Jeremy's mom works in a nursing home and money has been tight ever since the operation that saved Jeremy's life.  Jeremy continues to have difficulties with his congenital heart defect and has been home schooled until he fully recovers.  Secretly, Jeremy has been selling his sketches and saving his earnings to help his mother.  One day, Jeremy is startled by a noise in the attic, upon investigating he finds a map, a ring of keys and a paper with calculations on it.  Curious as a young boy would be, he begins to explore the cellar for clues and happens upon a secret room and a painting with a gold frame.  Half of the painting appears to have been damaged too, and he can only make out the artists first name, Vittorio.  Finding the painting opens up many questions about its origins, who the artist was, and who stored it in their cellar?  As Jeremy begins to explore the painting further, he also learns that his mother is having financial difficulties.  Due to an unintended error by his grandmother and now mother not paying the inheritance tax on their flat, they're at risk for losing the flat if they can't repay the debt they owe to the State.  Hoping to help his mom, Jeremy sets out to restore the painting, can he earn enough to save their home?  

I was contacted by Estelle Leboucher, the godmother of Indrajit Garai's daughter regarding reviewing his book.  As soon as I read the premise and found out it was set in Paris, I knew that this was a book that I wanted to read.  Jeremy is a dear, wise soul.  He's an explorer, painter, both inquisitive, and observant, especially of nature and the things around him.  He goes into great details in the story about his travels around Paris as he gathers information about the painting and Vittorio.  It was interesting to learn about the connection that the painting had to his family and I really wish I could see the things he describes in person.  Jeremy's also a subtle storyteller in his own paintings, so kind and protective of both his mother and his dog, Leon.  I was really saddened by Jeremy's life of solitude while his mom was working, and the loneliness he must have felt.  Sure, he goes out each day exploring in Paris with his trusty companion, Leon, but I had hoped for a friend to enter his life.  He did have a babysitter and many adults who helped him, but it's not quite the same.

The story beautifully depicts Jeremy's love for his mom and Leon, his thoughtfulness and how important art was to him.  I also really liked Paolo, the man who sells Jeremy's sketches and only takes 10% as his fee.  Paolo is the one who helps Jeremy to expand his restoration, to make it come alive while also being historical accurate.  They have wonderful conversations about how "viewing is not a collective art", and how "beauty wouldn't be beautiful if it came in plenty."  I should caution that this story would also be considered a sad book with an ending that at first feels like an about face from the direction it was heading, although the more I reflect on the book there are moments of tragedy leading up to it that shouldn't make it a complete shock.  I'd still keep a tissue handing when reading this.  Because of the messaging expressed in the book about art and beauty and the ending being sad, I'd recommend this to a mature middle grade reader. 

**I'd like to thank Estelle Leboucher for the gifted ebook, I really enjoyed reading this touching story. **      

I hope you'll check all the other Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday posts at Greg Pattridge’s blog HERE.   

Saturday, November 12, 2022

CHUPACARTER by George Lopez Blog Tour with Review + Giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the CHUPACARTER by George Lopez & Ryan Calejo Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


                                                                            About the Book:

Author: George Lopez, Ryan Calejo, & Santy Gutiérrez Illustrations)
Pub. Date: August 30, 2022
Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook
Pages: 267

Find it: GoodreadsAmazonKindle, Audible, B&NiBooksKoboTBD,

With his signature laugh-out-loud humor, world-famous comedian George Lopez launches a fantastical middle grade series inspired by his own colorful childhood and Latinx folklore.

In this illustrated contemporary fantasy, twelve-year-old Jorge is lonely and resentful after being sent to live with his grandparents. His first day at his new school doesn’t go well after catching the attention of his belligerent principal and the school bullies, so Jorge might be a little desperate for a friend.
But the only kid who shares his interest in junk food and games turns out to be a young chupacabra—a legendary monster whose kind is known for being bloodthirsty livestock killers. The truth is, Carter is anything but savage—he's kind, a good listener, and has great taste in sneakers. Being friends with a mythical creature should be amazing, but when local cattle turn up dead and his principal suspects the truth, Jorge is torn. Should he trust that his friend is innocent and protect him from exposure, or reveal his dangerous existence and change the world forever?


“ChupaCarter is an uproariously good time, full of humor, heart, and unexpected friendships.” 
—Zoraida Córdova, award-winning author of Valentina Salazar Is Not a Monster Hunter

"A narrative punctuated with wisecracks and flavored with Spanish phrases and slang...Frights and fun in equal measure."—Kirkus Reviews

"Gutierrez’s lively b&w illustrations expertly render Jorge and Carter’s occasionally over-the-top, adrenaline-filled adventures. Actor/comedian Lopez and Calejo offer a rollicking tale brimming with Latinx folklore and culture about finding one’s home in the unlikeliest of places that never takes itself too seriously."—Publishers Weekly

"Some good and gross this fantasy-infused tale."—School Library Journal


                                                Book Trailer:

                                    My Review of ChupaCarter

After Jorge is kicked out of school for defending himself against a bully, his mom sends him from L.A. to New Mexico to live with his Abuelos on their desolate former farm.   Jorge hates being sent away and that he has to attend a new private school, he's worried about standing out among the other students.  As Jorge laments over his current situation on the roof of his Abuelos house, he encounters a Chupacabra named Carter.  At first, Jorge is scared of Carter but when Carter goes out of his way to save Jorge's life, they quickly become friends.  As Jorge gets to know Carter better, he learns that Carter was separated from his family and Jorge vows to help him find them.  Things become complicated when several animals are mysteriously killed and Jorge's principal, a big game trophy hunter suspects a Chupacabra and goes on a hunt to kill it. 

I must admit that I knew very little about the legendary Chupacabra or the Guachapos before reading ChupaCarter, but now having read the story their vampirism and sucking of blood is quite frightening.  I loved how the story included lots of Spanish words and phrases and that their meaning was easy to understand by using the context clues.  I also really liked Jorge and felt he was a very complex character.  He tries to do the right thing by protecting kids he sees being bullied, but often his mouth or quick witty comebacks during these situations landed him in more trouble.  I understood his anger at his mom for being sent to his grandparents, but also appreciated that he learned that his move might not have been the punishment that he initially thought.  Truthfully, Jorge's growth during the story and his friendship with Carter were two of my favorite things in the whole book.  The way that Carter rubbed off on Jorge and the changes that Jorge instilled in Carter, just goes to show the influence that our friends have on us.  Chupacarter is a very thought-provoking story, encouraging the reader to think about animal rights and the cons of trophy hunting, racism, bullying while emphasizing the importance of standing up for the things we believe in.  

The story also includes a lot of comedic humor in the author, George Lopez's style, to the point that I could almost hear his voice shining through.   The illustrations by Santy Gutiérrez beautifully captured the two main characters and added to the humor as well.  They're fun and will capture the reader's attention.  Although all of the illustrations in my ARC weren't complete yet, it was so much fun to read the little captions with suggestions for the illustrations that are yet to come.  Can't wait to see the finished book.  A huge thank you to Rockstar Book Tours, Ryan Calejo and Viking Books for Young Readers for the E-book for my review.              

About George Lopez:

George Lopez is a New York Times bestselling author, stand-up comedian, actor, and talk show host. He made waves as the star of the most successful English-language prime-time television series about Latin Americans in recent history. His successful stand-up comedy showcases his idiosyncratic point of view and impeccable comedic timing. He lives in Los Angeles.

Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon



About Ryan Calejo:

Ryan Calejo is an award-winning author born and raised in south Florida. His critically acclaimed Charlie Hernández series has been featured on half a dozen state reading lists and is a two-time gold medal winner of the Florida Book Awards.

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @RyanCalejo.

Simon & Schuster Webpage | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon



Giveaway Details: 

2 winners will win a finished copy of CHUPACARTER, US ONLY.

Ends December 6th, midnight EST.

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Mythical Books

Excerpt/IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream

Excerpt/IG Post


Author Z. Knight

Excerpt/IG Post


Kait Plus Books

Excerpt/IG Post


Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post

Week Two:


Jazzy Book Reviews

Excerpt/IG Post


Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review/TikTok Post


YA Books Central

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


Lifestyle of Me



Log Cabin Library


Week Three:



IG Review


Locks, Hooks and Books




IG Review


The Page Ladies @jacleomik33

IG Review


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review





Brandi Danielle Davis

IG Review/TikTok Post

Week Four:


Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog

Review/IG Post


Books With A Chance of Traveling

Review/IG Post


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post



IG Review/Read Aloud



Review/IG Post



YouTube Review/IG Post


Emily Ashlyn

Review/IG Post

Week Five:



IG Review


The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post


Two Points of Interest



The Real World According To Sam

Review/IG Post

Monday, November 7, 2022


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the TWIN SISTERS LIVINGSTON AND THE MYSTERY AT MADAME MOLINEAUX'S by Mary Knight Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


                                                                                            About The Book:

Author: Mary Knight
Pub. Date: September 27, 2022
Publisher: Living Lantern Media Group, LLC
Formats:  Hardcover, Paperback, eBook
Pages: 428

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle

Read for FREE with a Kindle Unlimited Membership!

Twin sisters Maddie and Jo Livingston have spent their lives traveling the world with their famous archaeologist parents. But when the Livingstons’ work takes them on a mysterious year-long excavation in Siberia, much too dangerous for two twelve-year-old girls, Maddie and Jo are whisked off to a castle in Switzerland, where they find themselves piecing together a mystery of their own.

Madame Molineaux’s School for Girls is filled with interesting students and professors from all over Europe. But it doesn’t take long for the girls to figure out that this is no ordinary boarding school: bizarre animals, hidden tapestries, secret tunnels, and a long list of unanswered questions keep Maddie, Jo, and their new friends searching for clues around every corner. Where is that snotty Rosemary Byron going when she sneaks out of her dormitory at night? What secret is their beloved headmistress trying to protect? Who is concealing treasures in the unlikeliest of hiding places? The girls must put all these strange pieces together to discover the staggering truth, and to save their school before Madame Molineaux’s closes its doors—for good!

  My Review

"Two figures sat across from each other at a desk, silhouetted by the last rays of sunlight passing through blue stained-glass windows."

Twin Sisters Livingston and the Mystery at Madame Molineaux's takes place in Switzerland in 1932, it's a story that evolved slowly, first introducing Jo and Maddie's parents, the girls travel across the ocean to their new school, meeting their new roommates at Madame Molineaux's and then the developing of the mystery began.  Despite developing slowly, it's also a story that really grew on me, mostly because it feels a lot like reading a Nancy Drew novel, which growing up were one of my favorite type of stories with all its spying, sleuthing and exploring.  At 428 pages, I also really began to be vested in these girl's quest.   What I enjoyed reading about the most was the setting of the Swiss castle, the day-to-day classes and the sense of a found family of girls who were united by their shared experiences in trying to piece together the clues and solve the mystery.  Twins Maddie and Jo are likeable characters, never afraid to venture into the tunnels under the school, while also eager to decipher a secret message from Max at the boy's academy and find the hidden treasure.  There are lovely moments of the girls coordinating their attempts to follow Rosemary and sneaking around the castle, trying to infiltrate the headmistress's office and the kitchen for a midnight snack.  All while trying to stay undetected.  I'm happy to hear that there will be more books in the series and am eagerly anticipating the next book. **A huge thank you to Rockstar book tours and the author, Mary Knight for the softcover print copy for my review**   

About the Twin Sisters Livingston Team:

We fuel self-discovery, sisterhood and adventure.

Twin Sisters Livingston is devoted to delivering smart, sophisticated media that empowers tween girls. Anchored by a 24-book series, our brand enchants young readers though the adventurous tales of American twin sisters Maddie and Jo, who solve mysteries within the walls of a fabulously diverse Swiss boarding school. The fictional universe is expanded to include e-books and audiobooks, subscription boxes full of rich edu-tainment, gaming apps and more.

Subscribe to the Newsletter and read the fist 6 chapters for FREE! (scroll down)

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon


                                                Giveaway Details:


2 winners will win an eBook of TWIN SISTERS LIVINGSTON AND THE MYSTERY AT MADAME MOLINEAUX'S, International.

Ends November 15th, midnight EST.

                                                            Tour Schedule:

Week Two:


Log Cabin Library



Brandi Danielle Davis

IG Review/TikTok Post


Blog Write. Read. Live

Guest Post or Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review/Read Aloud


Two Points of Interest




IG Review


The Page Ladies @jacleomik33

IG Review


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review


Locks, Hooks and Books



The Real World According To Sam

Review/IG Post