
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday with Favorite Bookstores OR Bookstores I’d Love to Visit

 Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.  Each week there is a new prompt, and everyone is encouraged to share their list. 

This week's prompt was inspired by the UK's celebration of National Bookshop Day on October 1st. I'm going to make my best attempt to include one's that I've visited and of course the ultimate one's I'd love to see.  

One's I've actually been to:

1.    Old Firehouse Books this is an independent bookstore located in Fort Collins, Colorado.  It's a favorite place to visit when we're in town.  

2.  The Tattered Cover in Denver, Colorado.  I'm talking the original store from the 1980's before they expanded out and sold this location.  It was my first author event and I got to see Clive Barker in person. 

3.  Poor Richards in Colorado Springs.  This one I haven't been to in years, but it was a favorite shop because of the artwork and used books.  

4& 5 Are two Used Bookstores here in town.  The Bookshelf on Main Street, Kalispell and Blacktail Mountain Books 

Bookstores I'd like to visit someday:  

6.  Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon.  

7.  The Strand in New York

8.  The Montague Bookmill in Massachusetts, well cause it's a bookstore housed in an 1842 gristmill and the images look amazing.  

9.  Libreria Acqua Alta in Venice, again purely because of the images and a recommendation from a friend who visited it. 

10. Shakespeare and Company in Paris, France.  It's France!!  

Lastly, I'm going to throw in one library that I had the pleasure of visiting

The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt was thought to be one of the largest and most significant libraries.  

Have you been to any of these bookstores?  I'd love to see your list too, feel free to drop a link in the comments.  


  1. I know been to two of the stores on your list, both in New York, The Strand and Shakespeare and Company. I haven't been to that particular Shakespeare and Company again but it wasn't anything special when I went there.

    The Strand has changed a lot, the interior has been renovated and looks a bit too slick for me but they still have miles of books. The vibes is just different, whether this was good or not, I'm not so sure. I haven't been there in a while but I'm sure it will be there for a long while.

    I think I prefer to visit libraries rather than bookstores but Powell's Books always sounded interesting to me. I think anytime you see a bookstore, you should just go in.

    Have a lovely day.

  2. I have not visited any of these- but they do look and sound amazing. How awesome that you visited The Great Library of Alexandria. So cool! :)

  3. I've been to The Strand and Powell's Books and Shakespeare and Company. But, before you feel envious, I want you to know that I haven't visited any of the bookstores you have visited, and I wish I had!
