
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Completed Series I Wish Had More Books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.  Each week there is a new prompt, and everyone is encouraged to share their list. 

This week's prompt is Completed Series that I Wish Had More Books.  One of my favorite things is to read the classics and growing up I loved Pippi Longstocking, Ramona, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I know I would've loved more books in the series and would've devoured them all.  I didn't read Mary Poppins, Bunnicula, Anne of Green Gables and The Lightening Thief until much later, yet these books have stuck with me. Also, both The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and Bunnicula stopped at 7 books, there's something about that odd number that has bothered me.  



Next up I'm kind of cheating, I selected Keeper of the Lost Cities as I series that I worry about being completed soon.  Book nine, Stellarlune comes out in November, and I know there's a tenth book tentatively coming out in 2023.  I can't help worrying that we're reaching the end of the series.  This is the longest series that I've ever read, I'm vested in completing all the books in the series, and I hope she doesn't stop writing books anytime soon.  

My all-time favorite book series is Lockwood & Company, and Jonathan Stroud is one of my favorite authors.  He's currently working on The Notorious Scarlett & Browne Series, but I've always held out hope he'd return to Lockwood and write more about the skull in the jar.  


Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what completed series you'd be interested in reading more of.  


  1. Nice list and interesting picks. I definitely want more Pippi Longstocking, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mary Poppins, and Anne of Green Gables books :)
    Here is my TTT:
    Have a good week ;)

  2. Great list! I loved Ramona and Anne of Green Gables!!

    1. Ramona was one of my all-time favorite characters growing up.

  3. I loved Bunnicula and didn't realize it was a series. I will have to look for the other books. Thanks for the post.

  4. Those were the same books I loved as a good! I would have definitely liked sequels to them as well. I have to say, though, that I've been reading (well, listening to) the Anne sequels for the first and I haven't been loving them, at least not as much as I love the first book. Not sure why.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I started them as an adult, but not sure if I would've picked them up as a kid. Guess tastes change over time.

  5. Love your list. Pippi Longstocking, Ramona, and Anne of Green Gables are ones I grew up with, though I love AOGG more as a young adult.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog today.

  6. Loved seeing your list. I'd love more books in the Percy Jackson series too. Also I'd love more Harry Potter books.

  7. Wonderful list! All the book series I've actually completed were read during my childhood, too. Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list!

  8. I loved reading the Pippi books as a kid (and now I've just realized I left that off my list of series!)

    The Percy Jackson books...I couldn't stop reading them.
