
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Happy Book Blog Birthday to me!


It's hard to believe that I've been book blogging for 9 years now, where has the time gone?  It still feels like I am learning something new every day and am so thankful for my followers who leave comments on my posts.  When I started this little ol' blog I wanted to have a place to keep track of the books that I read and my thoughts about them.  It morphed into participating in the Cybils each year as a judge and even branching out onto Twitter where I've made many author and fellow blogger friends. So I would like to take the opportunity to once again say thank you to all you lovely readers for your support, likes and comments.  It means the world to me!!  Brenda  


  1. Happy, happy blogiversary and congratulations on 9 years!

  2. Happy blog birthday Brenda! I hope someday we get to meet in real life.

    1. Thank you Charlotte. It certainly would be wonderful!!

  3. Congrats on your nine year anniversary. I'm so glad we met through your blog.

    1. Aww, thank you Natalie. I'm the one who is so happy to have met you too.
