
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR From Before I Started Blogging That I STILL Haven't Read Yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  This week's Top Ten Tuesday is Ten Books That Have Been On My TBR From Before I Started Blogging (August 2012)  That I STILL Haven't Read Yet

Books I Own and really should have read by now:  I don't seem to have a reason for not having read any of these yet, probably just got busy with reading other series or books.   


Books that have been on my TBR for a really long time:  My TBR is really unruly, but who's isn't?  From time to time I weed it out a bit as my interests change, but mostly it still reflects books, series that I would like to read/revisit.    


What are some of the books are on your TBR list? 
Feel free to leave your TTT links in the comments


  1. Night Circus is a book I'd like to read! Thanks for sharing it and your other titles.

  2. The Night Circus is a book I've read every year since I found it. It's fantastic and the way it's told is so beautiful. It hasn't gotten old yet.

    1. Thank you for commenting Amanda, it's nice to know that The Night Circus holds up so well.

  3. ERAGON is on my list today, too. I don't know if I'll ever actually get to it, but it does come highly recommended. I enjoyed THE NIGHT CIRCUS, TMI series, and FLIPPED. FLIPPED is a thin, easy read, so maybe start with it ...

    Happy TTT!

  4. Loved seeing your list. I have some of the same ones on my list too, like City of Bones.

  5. The Throne of Fire & City of Bones are some of my favorite books. I hope you get to read them soon. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  6. This list is great! My TBR is terrifying.

    1. Think everyone's TBR is a nightmare, I've been trying to do some deletes myself. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I've had The Magicians on my shelf for a really long time too! It sounds so good. I should make time for it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Night Circus!

    1. Night Circus seems to be a popular choice, may have to bump it up a bit. Thank you for commenting.

  8. Night Circus and City of Bones have been on my TBR list for forever!

    I have read Flipped, Eragon and Beedle the Bard. I enjoyed them all. If you have a way to listen to audio books- I would recommend Eragon or Flipped on audio- both are well done and make drives or chores around the house faster. :) Flipped is a fast read either way and so is Beedle the Bard (similar to reading a set of fairytales- they don't have to be read all at once).

