
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday with Ten Book Resolutions

Top Ten Tuesday is a Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  This week's Top Ten Tuesday is a Freebie, or pick whatever topic you want.  I decided that I would come up with some book resolutions.

Some of these stem from my reading for the Cybils.  I always enjoy how it introduces me to new release or self published authors, diverse books and genres that I might not have otherwise seen before.   So in no particular order... here are my resolutions.....

1.  To read more diverse books-I have Kwame Alexander's Booked on my list, but I also want to check out WeNeedDiverseBooks  for some more recommendations.

2.  To read more classics-Last year I read about eleven classics adding Trixie Belden, Mary Poppins Comes Back, Hatchet, To Kill a Mockingbird etc.  This year I hope to read about the same amount. 

3.  To read at least 100 books this year- Yeah, that's what I put down for my Goodreads goal.  It's about 20 books less than usual, but I've gotten off to a slow start this year, so yeah that's a nice round number for me.  

4.  Finish some of the books that I own- I've got books stacked up on my bedside, in a basket, looking at me each day.  I really need to not buy anymore books until I get some of the one's I've purchased read.  But I own them, so I usually get to them when I get to them.  I will try to finish at least one of them.  

5.  Read more YA- Now that the kiddo is growing out of middle grade, I want to read some fantasy and realistic YA that I don't normally get a chance to read.  I'm setting a goal of reading at least two, but hopefully more than that.   I did just say that I plan to read Dumplin and Truthwitch, so I defiantly have ideas.  

6.  To weed my Goodreads TBR list down to about 300- This seems reasonable, but I may need to adjust it some.  Truthfully it doesn't completely bother me, but there are a few books that I don't think that I will ever get to, so they can probably be taken off the list now.  

7.  To read more science fiction- Really anything sci-fi would be nice.  I used to read more when I was younger, but somehow haven't read much in quite awhile.  

8.  To read at least one non-fiction book this year-This one will be much harder, but I think if I stick to middle grade I might be able to find a few that I will enjoy.  I had one in mind about some boys during WWII (I think) but for the life of me can't remember the title.  I'm going to explore this further for sure. 

 9&10.  To finally read the Illustrated edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  (I used to re-read these books each year, but for the past two years I just haven't gotten to it).   And to draw in my Harry Potter Colouring Book 


So what did you choose for your freebie this week?  Feel free to comment or add the link to your Top Ten Tuesday.  


  1. Replies
    1. I'm hoping that it is manageable, but I'm going to give it a shot and if I don't make it I'll readjust it some.

  2. This is a fantastic list! (I might have to grab this meme and squeeze it into my schedule this week.)

    I own a lot of unread books myself; I'm thinking of making every other book I read this year one of the ones I own.

    A couple of good sci-fi reads, if you need recommendations: The Crystal Bridge by Charlie Pulsipher, The Dragonback series by Timothy Zahn, Alien Secrets by Annette Curtis Klaus, Randoms by David Liss, and Fuzzy Nation by John Scalzi (though this one does have swearing).

    Okay, I'll stop now. ^_^

    1. Thank you for all the recommendations, I'll have to take a look at them. Randoms is one that I recalling reading something about awhile back. Have a great week Amanda!

  3. Great goals. I used to read 100 books a year until my husband died. Now no way do I read that much, sadly. Awesome you're moving into YA books.

    1. There are so many YA series that I feel like I've been missing out on that I have this as a top priority on my goals to get to.

  4. I agree with most of these, I want to get my Goodreads list down also, but I keep finding books...LOL

  5. I really need to work on this too: Finish some of the books that I own

    1. I forgot to add finish the library books that I keep checking out :) thanks for stopping by.

  6. Oh, I like your goals. And I wish you the best of luck! Great list. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

  7. I think I'll adopt this this! I so need to do some of these for sure!

  8. I also really want to read more of the books I own and try and get to some classics this year. I hear Truthwitch is supposed to be an awesome read! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. I need to get to more of the books I actually own myself. I hope you're able to keep your resolutions. :)

    Check out my TTT.

  10. I have been trying to read a few classics a year. I hope to read at least three of them this year and I am not letting myself reading anything until I read 5 books I have borrowed from friends. Then I can return them and declutter too. Win, win. :) Good luck with your goals!

    1. I joined The Midnight Garden Book Club on Goodreads, so I think my classic reads are covered. Im going to put a few books on hold at the library, so I think I might be off yo a good start, for now.
