
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Few Smaller Reviews for Cybils Middle Grade Fiction

So, I've been busily reading for the Cybils Middle Grade Fiction and I have a few nominee's to highlight...As you can see from the covers a few fit right in with #WeNeedDiverseBooks

18222727The Year of the Fortune Cookie (Anna Wang series #3) 

Anna 's former teacher, Mrs. Sylvester is going to China to pick up her adopted daughter and has invited Anna to come along. Going to China will mean that she will miss a few weeks of school, but Anna thinks that it will be the perfect time to work on her "Who Am I?" project.  While in China, Anna hopes she can visit the orphanage her sister Kaylee was adopted from and at the same time learn more about her Chinese heritage and the culture.


Cupcake Cousins by Kate Hannigan

Cousins Willow and Delia have decided that wearing pink dresses for their Aunt's wedding just won't work.  They plan to impress her with their cooking skills and get out of being flower girls.  Yet, all their efforts in the kitchen only seem to make the new caterer Mrs. Cat more upset.  When Cat has an emergency with the wedding cake, can the cousins step in to help?  Included are eight recipes to make the foods mentioned in the story.   

17845805Ava and Pip by Carol Weston

Sister's Ava and Pip are very different, Ava is sociable and likes to write in her journal,  Pip likes to keep to herself and is shy. But, Ava really looks up to her older sister.   When new girl, Bea, throws a party on the same day as Pip's birthday celebration, Ava lets out her frustration in a story she writes for a school contest. Ava never expected her entry called "Queen Bee" to be published, or that Bea would figure out that she was talking about her.  Bea confronts Ava and she is left to explain that she was upset about the birthday party mix up and that she was just trying to stick up for her sister.  Bea isn't as upset about it as everyone else and together the two come up with a plan to help Pip overcome her shyness.   The book is told in a diary format which includes palindromes, word play, and alliterations.  A detailed list of  the palindromes appearing in the book are also included.  

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