
Friday, April 25, 2014

Review: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

anne readalong691914
April's pick for the Classic YA read-a-long is Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.  If you want, you can follow along with the discussion at The Midnight Garden and #tmgreadalong.

The Cuthbert's have decided to adopt a ten to eleven year old boy from an orphan asylum in Nova Scotia to help out on the farm.  Having little experience with children, they've left Mrs. Spencer to pick one out.  Yet, somehow when Matthew goes to the train station to pick him up, there is Anne waiting instead.  Oh Anne, such a delightful girl.  She's romantic, imaginative, a dreamer, inquisitive and full of thousands of question. Mix that with shy, quiet Matthew, who seems to like her "chatter" and can't imagine "quenching her light" by telling her there's been a mistake.  So what does he do?  He leaves things to Mrs. Cuthbert to handle.  Yet, after meeting her Marilla determines that they might be able to "do some good to her."  Marilla thinks Anne needs to grow up prim and proper, well versed in scripture with good morals and become more sensible.  A task that is easier said then done.  

I'd be the first to admit that I've read only a few historical fiction books, but Anne of Green Gables just touched me in ways that I didn't expect.  And what a wonderful look at an adoptive family who at first didn't really think they needed one another but grow to love each other so much.   I love the changes that Marilla and Matthew undergo, well mostly Marilla.  Anne seemed to make Marilla see into her own heart and open it up to her.  I also loved Matthew in his quiet shy ways.  When he "slipped into the house with the air of a burglar,"  I couldn't help from smiling.  I also loved over dramatic, romantic Anne, who possessed a strong will and bold personality for not taking any gruff from anyone.  Overall, a wonderful book that drew out so many kinds of emotions and feelings out of me, even making my heart ache for Marilla and Anne at times. Thank you to the ladies over at The Midnight Garden for another wonderful book recommendation.  


  1. I love this series, you should definitely watch the Megan Follows movie and TV series, they're so wonderful. It was a family tradition that every time we were sick at home, Anne of Green Gables was our sick movie.

    1. I'll have to see if I can find them, Anne would make for a great show to watch. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hey Brenda! Glad you loved Anne of Green Gables. It is one of my all time favorites! And, yes I think you would like the show, as well. They did a really good job with casting and sticking to the story as originally written...and the acting? So wonderful!

    1. Defiantly need to find this now, especially since you think the casting was done so well. Ah, but the, so sad. I have enjoyed visiting all these YA/MG classics with the ladies over at that somehow I totally missed as a kid. Must have been off reading Nancy Drew and Heidi. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I SO look forward to reading this some day with my kiddo. It's definitely on our list.

    1. Yeah, I so hope you do it's wonderful and sad but so so beautiful!
