
Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Happy 10 year Book Blogging Birthday


It's hard to believe that I first starting blogging 10 years ago, on August 21st, 2012.  How is it I'm always late to my own party?  And where has the time gone?  Seriously that amounts to about 683 posts, with a combination of guest interviews, author posts, book reviews, Top Ten Tuesday's, and Marvelous Middle grade Mondays.  I even managed to have 105 posts in 2015, a record for me.  I've read a lot of books over the years, 1244 since 2009, it's been a wonderful experience blogging and helping to support my author and fellow MG book bloggers.  But most of all I just want to say thank you for all the support and comments on my blog.  Thank you to fellow blogger friends, authors and publishers who request reviews and thank you to all my Twitter followers who retweet my posts. 


  1. Happy Blog Birthday, Brenda! I'm so glad you're blogging and that we're blogger friends.

    1. Thank you Natalie! I too am so happy that we're blogging friends. And thank you for always taking the time to read and comment.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Deb, and so glad we're blogger friends.

  3. Happy blog birthday! Here's to many more.

  4. Belated happy blogoversary, Brenda!! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Valinora, it was so nice to meet you via Cybils.

  5. I have read a number of stories like this one, but it's great there is a sequel. Most end with the crossing and readers don't learn very much about what happens to the characters. Great review and great share. This series does interest me because it is so timely.
