Format: E ARC
Publisher: Woodgate Publishing
Number of Pages: 329
Published: November 15th, 2019
Source: Author in exchange for an honest review
Opening Lines: "I tried desperately to beat back the dread that longed to overwhelm me as I followed the Empress Rasa."
Princess Alissandra and Prince Kovis are now in the capital city of Veritas within Wake, far from Ali's father. For the moment they're safe and planning their next move. The empire's leaders are about to arrive at the palace and Ali and the royal family are on edge. The council is unhappy with Empress Rasa's decision to end the biannual 89 competition and for their part, the delegates feel as tho the warriors aren't being valued as they should be. At the same time, King Ambien continues to manipulate Kennan, placing all of Wake in danger. He's been amassing an army of creatures that he's plucked from people's nightmares and it seems the King's desire to control all of Wake is becoming closer to reality. Meanwhile, Ali is searching for answers and is more determined than ever to not let her father succeed.
Twinkle, Twinkle is the final installment in the Sand Maiden series and truthfully I'm a bit sad, not for the ending mind you, just that the series has come to an end. From the very first book in the series, I've so enjoyed spending time in the realms of Dream and Wake. Each has a rather unique magical system and the characters are so lovely. On Wake, the people wield fire, ice, terra, and metal, while on Dream there are sand people. I do so love the premise of sand people lulling their charges to sleep, weaving their dreams and watching over them to ensure they don't experience nightmares. I also adore the two main characters, Alissandra (Ali) and Prince Kovis who over the course of the series have developed such a special bond, one filled with lovely moments of bantering and a closeness that is playful, and romantic. They make a wonderful couple.
I so enjoyed this final installment in the series, the way that the story has been building toward a final confrontation between Ali and her father, King Ambien. A battle that we've seen coming since the moment that Ali left Dream, defying her father to protect Korvis. We always knew that he wouldn't take her defiance well, but the lengths that he goes to are even more sinister and evil then I initially imagined. I truly worried about their safety when they separated to divide and conquer during Ambien's final attack. Kovis battling for the empire, while Ali went up against her father in Dream. Concerning, to say the least. I've always disliked Ambien and my initial feelings didn't change much. If anything I came to dislike him more and so there was a huge part of me that was happy that he gets what is coming to him. He's such a manipulative person that messes with everyone's heads and I hated the way that he deceives his own children. How he's made Ali feel to blame for what happened to her sister Velma and caused her self loathing and a multitude of emotions for his own evil deeds.
And poor Kennan, the mental hold that Ambien had over him, causing him to act in ways that were so hurtful to everyone around him. Plus the emotional trauma that Ali, Kovis and their siblings endured under both of their father's hands was just heartbreaking. But what nearly gutted me was the death of a certain beloved character, which was so very sad. Ali had just begun to develop a closeness with this character. She'd brought down her barriers and they'd become friends. Ali exposed a vulnerable side to a character that was usually composed and was helping this character to heal. It's a loss that I'm still thinking about even after having finished the book. I guess tho it's just a testament to Lee's writing, she's made me come to love these characters. Like I said before, I'm sad that this is the last book in the series but I'm sure Lee has plans to continue writing more books in the future and I'm eager to see what she comes up with next.
Twinkle, Twinkle is the final installment in the Sand Maiden series and truthfully I'm a bit sad, not for the ending mind you, just that the series has come to an end. From the very first book in the series, I've so enjoyed spending time in the realms of Dream and Wake. Each has a rather unique magical system and the characters are so lovely. On Wake, the people wield fire, ice, terra, and metal, while on Dream there are sand people. I do so love the premise of sand people lulling their charges to sleep, weaving their dreams and watching over them to ensure they don't experience nightmares. I also adore the two main characters, Alissandra (Ali) and Prince Kovis who over the course of the series have developed such a special bond, one filled with lovely moments of bantering and a closeness that is playful, and romantic. They make a wonderful couple.
I so enjoyed this final installment in the series, the way that the story has been building toward a final confrontation between Ali and her father, King Ambien. A battle that we've seen coming since the moment that Ali left Dream, defying her father to protect Korvis. We always knew that he wouldn't take her defiance well, but the lengths that he goes to are even more sinister and evil then I initially imagined. I truly worried about their safety when they separated to divide and conquer during Ambien's final attack. Kovis battling for the empire, while Ali went up against her father in Dream. Concerning, to say the least. I've always disliked Ambien and my initial feelings didn't change much. If anything I came to dislike him more and so there was a huge part of me that was happy that he gets what is coming to him. He's such a manipulative person that messes with everyone's heads and I hated the way that he deceives his own children. How he's made Ali feel to blame for what happened to her sister Velma and caused her self loathing and a multitude of emotions for his own evil deeds.
And poor Kennan, the mental hold that Ambien had over him, causing him to act in ways that were so hurtful to everyone around him. Plus the emotional trauma that Ali, Kovis and their siblings endured under both of their father's hands was just heartbreaking. But what nearly gutted me was the death of a certain beloved character, which was so very sad. Ali had just begun to develop a closeness with this character. She'd brought down her barriers and they'd become friends. Ali exposed a vulnerable side to a character that was usually composed and was helping this character to heal. It's a loss that I'm still thinking about even after having finished the book. I guess tho it's just a testament to Lee's writing, she's made me come to love these characters. Like I said before, I'm sad that this is the last book in the series but I'm sure Lee has plans to continue writing more books in the future and I'm eager to see what she comes up with next.